Westchester Home Magazine - 2012
"MODERN, SLEEK, AND CLEAN-LINED, this Mara Solow-designed bathroom with large-sized multi-hued gray tiles manages to be both cool and welcoming. The shapes — square toilet, oval bathtub, angular faucet — are interesting too! Associate Dean Whitlock liked 'the combination of darks and lights, angles and curves,' while instructor Kossar noted 'the minimal, clean-lined, and inviting bath.'"
"There is an Art-Deco element to this almost monochromatic room with its simple design elements that make it appear both formal and chic. 'This bedroom is sophisticated, with the headboard as the focal point,' instructor Kossar said, 'and the natural palette is conducive to rest.' Associate Dean Whitlock found the bedroom to be 'texturally interesting.' All agreed that the dog fit right in!"
Claus, Nancy L. (2012, Winter) "Best in Show" Westchester Home Online Version »See Project »
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